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You only get one set of teeth, and when they are lost due to genetics, injury, surgery or disease another set will not grow in.


When too many teeth are lost, for whatever reason, one solution is to get a set of dentures. Otherwise known as false teeth, they are custom made for your mouth.

Dentures offer many benefits. Full dentures are used to replace all of your teeth while partial dentures are used to replace only some of the teeth. They both help support your facial muscles and lips for a natural and healthy look. Dentures provide “space” to your mouth which causes your facial muscles to not sag as you grow older. It also allows you to live a healthier lifestyle. The food you eat is one primary source of nutrients and missing teeth could limit the variety of dishes you can eat. Lastly, your speech could be different if you miss a lot of teeth. Having dentures compacts your teeth and allows you to speak clearly.

Full or “Complete” Dentures

  • Conventional dentures are made after all the teeth are removed and the tissues are allowed to heal. This is usually several months after teeth are removed.
  • Immediate dentures are made in advance with the dentist and lab “judging” how the tissues will heal and how to align the teeth. Because of this, immediate dentures usually require several adjustments afterwards.
  • Denture success is largely dependent upon the condition of the remaining bone and surrounding structures.
  • Dentures still require maintenance, so it is advisable to visit your dentist routinely.

Partial Dentures

  • Partial dentures are made to replace one or several teeth
  • Teeth are usually attached to a metal or acrylic framework
  • Partial dentures are stabilized by the remaining teeth and surrounding structures.
  • Partial denture success is largely dependent upon the condition of the remaining teeth and surrounding bone and soft tissue.
  • Partials require maintenance, so it is advisable to visit your dentist routinely.

Is there something else that can be done other than dentures?

  • Absolutely!
  • Implants can be placed to support or stabilize a denture or partial.
  • Dental implants are widely becoming a support or an alternative to traditional dentures.

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