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Century Dental Visits Blueberry Elementary School

March 7, 2014 by CCDC Staff0

Century Crossing Dental Centre values dental health not only in the clinic, but within the community as well. Being a new office, we wanted to engage with the community and especially with younger children. Back in November, we had the unique opportunity to visit the students of Blueberry Elementary School in Stony Plain to present an interactive presentation on Dental health.

It was important to us to connect with the students to reinforce the importance of proper oral health and how it affects overall health. Our goal was to target a younger age group, where we could make the biggest difference in prevention and early care/ diagnosis. The students, who were from Grades 1 to 5, were excited and eager participants. They showed a lot of interest in our presentation, and not only asked interesting questions, but wanted to share their own personal dental stories too! It was great to see them demonstrating proper brushing techniques on the live model, and to see all the little hands up in the air eager to answer our quizzes.

A big thank you to the staff and teachers for welcoming us into their classrooms and for recognizing the value of dental health for their students! We are gracious for their support, and humbled by the feedback we received from them. It felt wonderful to get involved with the community and we look forward to more experiences such as this in the future!

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