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Tooth infection leads to man’s death

May 13, 2014 by CCDC Staff1

Full story and video can be found here.

A family wants to share its tragedy to prevent more deaths.

Aloha Schneider’s son John Schneider, of Mt. Orab, died in April after a blood infection.

He was 31 years old.

Aloha Schneider said John Schneider first thought he had a sinus infection and was admitted to the hospital in March.

“We asked him to go to the doctor and he wouldn’t go. He was like, ‘I’m OK. I’m OK. I don’t have any money, I’m OK,” Aloha Schneider said.

[blockquote author=”Aloha Schneider”]“We asked him to go to the doctor and he wouldn’t go. He was like, ‘I’m OK. I’m OK. I don’t have any money, I’m OK”[/blockquote]Doctors found out John Schneider actually had a tooth infection that turned into sepsis.

The blood infection spread rapidly throughout his body and shut down his vital organs.

“He had open-heart surgery on a Wednesday morning on the 16th and he passed that Thursday morning at 1:17 a.m.,” Aloha Schneider said.

John Schneider’s mother and sister are hoping to share their heartbreak to help save lives.

They want to share how important seeing a dentist regularly can be and that it can save lives.

“Go to the dentist. Get your teeth checked. Go for cleanings. You don’t have to have pain and you don’t have to have bad teeth,” John Schneider’s sister Andrea Reisert said.

Full story and video can be found here.

One comment

  • Audrey

    November 7, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    This is so scary. I have been putting up with pain in and around a tooth because I am terrified of dentists. I will make an appointment after reading this story.


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